Public scholarship is a major component of my academic work. Bridging theory and practice – what is oftentimes referred to as translational research, the scholarship of engagement, or public work – is a critical component of linking academic work and public practice. My public scholarship – which includes blogging and writings in general audience publications – is viewed by 100,000+ readers. I have been interviewed in national and international media outlets such as the Los Angeles Times, the BBC and Forbes magazine and have served on national task forces for MIT, AAC&U, the US Department of Education, NSF, and the Carnegie Corporation. I have been honored six years in a row as one of the top two hundred “Public Edu-Scholars” in Rick Hess’s Influence Rankings. As Hess writes on his EdWeek blog, the list is meant to honor and rank “the 200 university-based education scholars who had the biggest influence on the nation's education discourse last year…[The] rankings reflect, in roughly equal parts, the influence of a scholar's academic scholarship, on the one hand, and their influence on public debate as reflected in old and new media, on the other” and provide a “sense of a scholar's public footprint in the past year.”
- Profiled in: JCC Connexions, the quarterly newsletter of the Journal of College & Character, August 2017.
- Interviewed by the BBC: "Superstars Plan Next Career With Harvard Course" July 6, 2017.
- Published an op-ed: "It's Actually Not About the Student" in InsideHigherEd. April 17, 2017.
- Presented: "The Engaged Campus: Key Models for Powerful Teaching, Learning and Research" Keynote Address at Washburn University, January 30, 2017
- Published an op-ed: "A Failing Ed System" in Education Week, January 19, 2017.
- interviewed by the BBC - "Chinese Billionaire Offers Biggest Education Prize." January 18, 2017.
- Ranked as one of the top 200 education scholars in Rick Hess's 2017 "Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings", January 11, 2017
- Served as an External Reviewer for the MacArthur Fellows Program (“Genius Grants”) of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 2016-17
- “Thank You Donald...For What You Have Taught Universities” in Times Higher Education. January 6, 2016.
- “Watson, Please Replace Me!” in InsideHigherEd. November 19, 2016.
- “The Worst Four-Letter Word in Higher Education Today? Uber.” in eLearn Magazine. October, 2016.
- “Learning 2.0 and the Future of the Disrupted University” in Forbes. September 6, 2016.
- “A Teacher Will Save the World” in Trinidad Guardian Newspaper, September 4, 2016.
- “Is It Possible To Embrace ‘Uber U’?” in InsideHigherEd. August 28, 2016.
- “MOOCs and Beyond” in InsideHigherEd. August 22, 2016.
- “Siri … Please Stick to Just Being a Catalyst” in InsideHigherEd. April 10, 2016.
- “So You Want To Be A Dean?” in The Chronicle of Higher Education. January 14, 2016. [included in the Chronicle’s Focus Series: “How To Be A Dean”)
- “On MOOCs and Mizzou” in InsideHigherEd. December 10, 2015.
- “The Future of the Future of Higher Education” in InsideHigherEd. November 9, 2015.
- “Blinded by the Binary” in InsideHigherEd. September 29, 2015.
- “The Death of Teaching…and Birth of Learning”. New England Journal of Higher Education, March 23, 2015. Co-authored with Sanjoy Mahajan.
- “My Technological Dream of Carpe Diem” in InsideHigherEd. November 3, 2014.
- “The Course is Dead. Long Live the Course.” in InsideHigherEd. Sept. 4, 2014.
- “The Real Double-Shot: Starbucks and the Future of Competency-Based Education” in InsideHigherEd. June 23, 2014.
- “Unbundle This! Why MOOCs 2.0 are the True Disruption in Higher Education” in RealClear Education. June 4, 2014.
- “From MOOCs to Dragons” in InsideHigherEd. April 14, 2014.
- “Learning in the Clouds”. New England Journal of Higher Education, July 2013.
- “Does Community Engagement Have a Place in a Placeless University?” New England Journal of Higher Education, March 2013.
- “I Am Not a Machine”. New England Journal of Higher Education, December 2012.
- “MOOCs R Us.” eLearn Magazine. September, 2012.
- “What MIT Should Have Done.” eLearn Magazine. June, 2012. [one of the top 5 downloaded articles from the ACM digital library]
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